With the summer Sporadic-E (Es) season here I have been reviewing a new 10m monoband rig for the RSGB's RadCom. It is an SS6900 from the French company CRT (although it is made in the Far East).
It is fully programmable, runs CW, AM, FM and SSB and works quite well, especially on 10FM.
I noticed that the list of 10m FM European repeaters at the HB9HD web site seemed to be out of date.
After a lot of searching I found another site that seems to be better and lists all the 10FM repeaters in this region.
If you can find a better, more to date one, let me know:
I've never round converted CBs particularly convenient on 10m SSB due to the large discrete channel steps.
ReplyDeleteI can't really see the point of 10m FM repeaters. If conditions are good enough to access them who needs a repeater anyway? Perhaps we need some local ones to encourage everyday 10m use.
I know what you mean. The SS6900 is channelised, but you can program each channel to what you want. It came with 5kHz steps, but it is easily changed to 1kHz.
ReplyDeleteAs to 10m repeaters, you can talk to people in areas that you wouldn't otherwise be able to direct - was talking to G and GI stations yesterday via Switzerland on 29.650MHz (HB9HD). Plus there is often repeater activity when there is no local activity - have not heard anyone from Switzerland simplex.
Just had a couple of repeater contacts myself, Working Cornwall via Switzerland was quite fun, certainly wouldn't have been able to simplex. it's all good fun. I might have a listen for the uk 10m repeaters as up here in io76gm there isnt much direct vhf activity.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't too many 10m UK repeaters around. Just GB3CJ in Northamptonshire on 29.640MHz and GB3GX in Clee Hill Salop on 29.690MHz (is it operational yet?) as far as I know.
Just testing a Ranger RCI-2950DX for RadCom. That's a nice little radio - runs 12m too.
It'll be interesting to see how the Ranger RCI-2950DX performs, I've got the larger 2970DX and use it on both 10m/12m with some good results.
ReplyDeleteThere's been quite a lot of talk on the US based ham radio forums about how clean or dirty this radios output is, I'd like to see your results as many US hams have an obvious anti-CB bias aainst this radio...
FYI, Clee Hill 10 metre repeater can be heard sending its ident GB3GX every 15 mins (approx)it has a slightly better, although similar coverage to it co-sited unit on 50.830MHz (GB3GT).
ReplyDeletehow much does it cost to set up a repeater like and can you put 100watt into them all does it have to be 25watt
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay. This depends where you live. In the UK there are only two 10m repeaters licenced as far as I know - you would have to look into the Ofcom/RSGB rules for repeaters I guess. In the US there are loads of 10m repeaters running up to 1kW I think (see KQ2H)!
Steve G0KYA
I live in wrexham up in minera right next to minera mountain I only need to ask up there will it be ok to set a mast up there because you can see for miles from up there liverpool manchester nottingham I can go on I think that will be a nice point to set one up tell me if I wrong
ReplyDeleteMessage from Andy G6OHM (what a great callsign!):
ReplyDeleteHi Steve,
Another repeater to add to your list is SR5KP in Poland on 29.680MHz
All info on QRZ.COM.
73 Andy Dunham G6OHM