Thanks for stopping by. This is where I publish a lot of my features and thoughts on HF propagation, antennas and other ham radio topics. I write for a number of radio magazines, including the RSGB's RadCom and ARRL's QST. I am also chairman of the RSGB's Propagation Studies Committee and produce the weekly HF propagation report for GB2RS. When not playing radio I'm a professional journalist specialising in aerospace, science and technology and am also author of four RSGB books.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
DXing from a small (or no) garden
This a is a presentation I gave to my local club. It talks about finding DX, the modes to use, what you can do with QRP and CW and also looks at a number of antenna designs and what I found.
I have made it into a 3.8Mb PDF and you might find it interesting, even without the narrative that obviously went with it.
Download the presentation.
Good presentation. Anyone can work DX if they have no restrictions on the antennas or power they can use. Doing it with a total stealth setup adds to the fun and the challenge!